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2019 Abernethy Spring Fiber Sale Vendors

Featured Farm- Fir Acre Farm handmade socks, mittens and fingerless gloves; felted animals, purses, scarves, dryer balls and vases; raw fleeces, roving and carded batts Gary and Sharon White

Artisan Fibers Hand-dyed and blended batts, nepps and ribbons. Debbie Ellis

Back Corner Farm Mohair- raw fleece; washed and/or dyed and yarn  Kris Noland

The Craft Shop at Mountain Shadow Ranch handspun yarn, hand knit items, hand dyed fibers Teresa Simmons

Jo Anne Daly Handmade socks using antique sock knitting machine

Duncan Enterprises Drum Carders Scott Duncan

East o’the Sun, West o’the Moon Handspuns Handspun art yarn and jewelry made from art yarn and fiber wire. Rachel Grow

Ewethful Fiber Farm and Mill Ewethful spinning fibers and yarns from their mill Kim Biegler

Ewesfluffy Fiber Fibers from their Romney and Hampshire sheep flock raw and washed fleece, batts, rolags, etc. Mary Jo Haslem

Fiber First Farm Raw fleeces from coated sheep, white and natural-colored, pin-drafted roving and 100% Romeldale wool yarn Mary Engstrom

Folly and Nonsense Knitting needle and crochet hook cases; notion and project bags; accessory patterns and stitch markers all hand made. Heidi Schultz

Goat Knoll-Featured Farm Shetland wool roving, yarn and knitting kits Cashmere roving, yarn and knitting kits. Linda Fox

Jilat Artistry needle felted sculptures of animals; magnets; vessels; wall ornaments Johnmichael Lahtinen

Marcy Bell Jewelry hand-made Sterling Silver yarn and tapestry needles metal orifice hooks and fiber themed jewelry. Marcy Bell

Mt. Hood View Farm hand dyed Cormo wool batts, top, yarn. Hand dyed Pygora batts and yarn. Cormo roving dyed with the felter in mind. Kristi Gustafson

Natural Harvest Farm Hand woven scarves, hand dyed wool, hand carded batts Susan Clark

Pat’s Hats Blended batts, hand spun yarn. Pat Wendt

Rock N’ More Accents Polished stone magnet “pins” for scarves and shawls. Scarves Michele Powell

Shaggy Bear Farm Yarn, roving and other fiber goodness from our farm animals. Focus on rare and lesser known breeds of sheep. Wendy Hanson

Tapestry Farm Alpacas raw Alpaca fleeces; natural & dyed batts; dyed fiber; yarn and goat milk soap Kim Sawyer

Ten O’Clock Farm Icelandic sheep yarns, roving, fiber al natural colors. Cheryl Mansfield

Thedoza’s Angoras Hand spun Angora yarn, Angora fiber, Angora blends, hand knitted items, hand woven items. Naomi Dickinson

Thistle Rose Farm Combed top – Corriedale; raw fleece yarn and eco-dyed scarves Debra Christensen

Twists and Turnings Handcrafted spindles, supported spindles and bowls, spindle kates Sari Peterson

Upstream Alpacas Alpaca roving hand dyed alpaca combed top hand dyed alpaca yarn alpaca felted items. Christine Riley

Walker Forest and Farm Alpaca yarn and roving of 80% alpaca 20% Shetland Diana Walker

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